Computer Science

College of Sciences and Engineering

"Focused on solving the technological problems of the present and the future"

Computer Science

Bachelor in Computer Science
9 semesters
Teaching Mode
Face to Face Learning
CES Updated Approval Resolution
CES Initial Approval Resolution

The Computer Science program focuses on meeting the needs of the current market through the study of computational theory fundamentals that serve as a basis for the use, design, and development of software tools and applications. This includes developing applications for desktop computers, servers, and mobile devices with Internet and cloud resource access.

Furthermore, the program focuses on the study of technology used for the implementation and administration of information systems such as: databases and data mining, operating systems, computer architecture and security, project administration and evaluation tools, as well as current mobile device and wireless network technology. The Computer Science program forms professionals capable of keeping up to date with current technology and that are creative agents for computing technologies of the future.


  • USFQ's Computer Science students and graduates have an excellent academic and professional reputation due to a constantly updated curriculum that includes a multidisciplinary approach, and a teaching environment oriented towards liberal arts.
  • Graduates integrate easily into dynamic work environments that focus on finding solutions for society and for companies.
  • Computer Science is a course of study that can be linked to multiple fields of work such as business administration, operations, finance, insurance, medicine, and many others.
  • Practically all modern companies are in some way directly or indirectly related to computer applications, and therefore computer science.
  • Thanks USFQ’s international internship agreement with IAESTE, students have paid internship opportunities in European and North American companies. These internships are recommended for final year or recently gradated students, as there is high probability of extending internship periods, and these can ultimately become employment opportunities (depending on the country and company type).
  • The Contacto Empresarial (outside business contact yearly event) office allows students to interact with Ecuadorian based companies leading to possible professional practices.
  • Most companies offer internships in software development, however, there are also industrial based companies that look for interns with future projections.
  • USFQ students have access to international exchange programs, allowing them to study abroad for up to one year, providing opportunities to create international contacts that can potentially lead to postgraduate studies or employment.

Professional profile

The Computer Science program forms professionals with computing, systems, and business informatics knowledge, capable of using problem solving automated systems that facilitate administration, production, and research tasks within companies.

Graduates of Computer Science become active support participants in daily work, and in the development of future plans for companies and communities where they interact.

USFQ promotes research, analysis, and synthesis skills in students, allowing them to understand and lead in the adoption and development of new technologies in effective and efficient ways.

Professional field

Graduates of Computer Science are highly valued by many technology companies that develop software for local and international markets.

Due to a high level of preparation, students are able to take jobs locally or internationally.

Thanks to contacts made during IAESTE internships and international exchange programs, links are created to potentially offer software development services to foreign companies.

Graduates in Computer Science enjoy the advantage of being able to carry out work remotely for companies and clients located in various geographical points.


"The excellent job opportunities I have had have been due to USFQ's quality and level of education. Many companies look for professionals from USFQ because of our openness to learn, contribute and develop within an organization."

- Carlos Araujo, Class of 2007 -

"During my five-year program, I had a first-rate academic education, and the university also opened doors for me to gain professional experience both inside and outside the country."

- Belén Padilla, Class of 2005 -

"The Computer Science program at USFQ is one of the most competitive at a national and international level. Thanks to my studies at that institution, I found a position at the multinational insurance company ACE and am also currently considered a Senior Developer in a  successful company in the United States, Oshyn."

- Juan Pablo Albuja, Class of 2007 -

"They gave me freedom and taught me how to use it. I learned that responsibility is one of the most important qualities that must be cultivated day by day. I was trained as an excellent engineer, but also as a human being, because I not only had programming classes and systems design, but I was able to discover that there is much more to the world and they gave me the tools to explore and enjoy this globalized world."

- María Cisne García, Class of 2010 -

“USFQ's approach to Liberal Arts allows us to have a comprehensive education and that is what I value most in my studies. We are free to choose the courses that complement the degree and allow us to expand the range of possibilities for subsequent professional application. Within the systems courses, the teaching methodology pushes us to investigate and try to understand instead of just memorizing. We are not just tied to a specific technology, but rather to understanding the concepts that are generally applicable. This is very valuable in our work environment because technological changes are frequent and the updating of knowledge is continuous."

- Paúl Barriga,Class of 2013 -

International Accreditation

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):  

PEO 1: Professional Dimension: Implement solutions to problems from abstract to concrete, efficiently integrating hardware and software components while considering ethical principles and social responsibility.  

PEO 2: Social Dimension: Work in multidisciplinary groups with a proactive focus on communication and effective collaboration.  

PEO 3: Innovation and Continuous Learning Dimension: Maintain continuous education regarding technological and scientific advancements in computer science.    

Student Outcomes (SO): 

Student Outcome 1: Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions  

Student Outcome 2: Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline. 

Student Outcome 3: Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts 

Student Outcome 4: Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles 

Student Outcome 5: Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline 

Student Outcome 6: Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. 

Academic Faculty

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